1. Do not look down upon
beginners: Respect cultural and
religious diversity as well as different socio-economic levels and
ethnicities. All sentient beings are
future Buddhas. Therefore, always try to
accommodate all sentient beings' Buddha nature by
respecting and honoring them.
2. Be physically
harmonious: Live in harmony with whomever
we are connected to. Not only do not
engage in physical violence, but also, do not disturb each other. Serve people and accommodate them whenever possible.
3. Be verbally harmonious: Use kind words. Do not use harsh words to win an
argument. Do not attack people verbally.
It is better to communicate, negotiate, encourage, and support each other to
reach an agreement.
4. Be
mentally harmonious: Since we have a
common purpose in learning Buddhism, developing
and practicing
Bodhisattva path, our mind should be
peaceful and happy. Everything we see
and hear can bring us great joy.
5. Be harmonious in
the views that we hold: Accommodate
and respect each others' views, allow others to express differing opinions
and discover that each opinion has its own
reasonable aspect. Then, seek to reach a
compromise by following the guidance of a professional or by voting.
6. Be harmonious in how we
share available resources: Do not seek
only for one’s
benefit and thereby
others. Also, do not seek only to
benefit our own organization and thereby harming others. To benefit others is to benefit oneself. Everyone is equal. Share equally all available resources and
consume and conserve resources mindfully, thereby avoiding conflict. In this way, we all get along harmoniously.
7. Be harmonious in
the precepts that we keep:
Precepts are the common regulations and rules for living together. Since we are (worshipers and) practitioners
in the same Buddhist Church,
follow this Code of the Bodhisattva Path to get along with each other
in harmony.
8. Honor and
respect all Buddhas: In order to
eliminate self ego and pride, learn Buddha’s way of loving kindness,
compassion, and gentleness, we honor and respect all past, present, and future
9. Admire
the Tathagatas: Admire the Buddhas’
diligent practice. Since the Bodhisattvas persevered during their past lives
and endured numerous endeavors that normally cannot be achieved, the Buddhas should be admired even more due
to achieving the supreme merits and wisdom of Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, and
Nirmanakaya. As a result, we also follow
Buddhas’ practice of the Six Paramitas (Six Perfections) without attachment in
order to transform this world into
a pure land.
10. Practice
universal giving: By offering material goods to support others
practice, we can decrease our desire and increase our loving kindness and
compassion. Furthermore, by practicing
what the Buddha taught in order to benefit sentient beings, we shall take on
the sufferings of other sentient beings, diligently practicing the root of
goodness, and never abandoning the actions of a
Bodhisattva or separating from the mind of
11. Repent all
past unwholesome Karma: Uncover past
wrong doings and prevent from doing them in the future in order to resolve past
(negative) karma by practicing goodness.
Let go of attachments in order to purify our body, speech, and mind.
12. Rejoice in the merits
accumulated by others: When we see and
hear of others accomplishments, we shall not compete or become jealous, instead
we honor and praise them joyfully.
13. Request the turning of the
Dharma wheel and request that the Buddhas dwell in the world: Buddha’s teaching is comprehensive and
flawless. Therefore, it alludes to the
roundness of a wheel. Buddha Dharma can
deliver sentient beings across the river of vexation and help them to arrive at
the shore of Nirvana. Buddha Dharma can
eliminate sentient beings' ignorance and vexation to live an enlightened life
and achieve the non-worldly holy result.
Therefore, we shall always request all Buddhas,
Bodhisattvas, and good and wise
spiritual advisors to reside in the world to turn the wonderful Dharma wheel.
14. Always follow the Buddha’s teaching: Always maintain awareness and detach from
worldly affairs in our mind. Learn the
Buddha's way of wholesome actions, speech, and thinking. Constantly, conducting
as if a Buddha, speaking as if a
Buddha, and maintaining our mind as if a
Buddha to benefit ourselves and
sentient beings in Dharma in order to achieve Buddhahood altogether.
15. Always harmonize with all
sentient beings: Establish unlimited
good connections
all beings to benefit them equally.
Joyfully offering everything to meet their needs. Introduce Buddha Dharma in accordance to
their Karmic root to transform their
and to practice the Buddha's
path. If there were no sentient beings,
then, all Bodhisattvas would not have achieved supreme Enlightenment. Therefore, Bodhisattva always treat sentient
beings with great compassion, conducting numerous forms of sacrifice and
actions to benefit others in order to achieve Buddha’s wisdom. To accommodate all sentient beings is to
accommodate all future Buddhas.
16. Dedicate
all merits
to others: Dedicate all merits to all
sentient beings residing in the Dharma Realm and every corner of space.
all sentient beings constantly be happy and be protected from the sufferings of
illness. May all sentient beings be
liberated and achieve ultimate supreme Buddhahood.